Chemical environments

Call On Us to Protect Your Company and Property

Safety can be hard to achieve in hazardous chemical environments if your security staff is not prepared. At Assertive Security, we provide a security staff trained to recognize unsafe conditions and account for the unique regulatory requirements of your industry. This includes complying with the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) for example.

Keeping the safety and assurance of your facility and employees as our top priority, we focus on both the procedures that guide your operations, as well as the attitudes and behaviors of your contractors and employees.

Let Us Protect Your Establishment With Our Safety-First Approach

When it comes to an environment which deals with chemicals and petrochemicals, we apply our “safety-first” approach in order to ensure the safety of all individuals. Our approach mitigates risks within hazardous work environments through training in key areas, including:

  • Emergency Preparedness & Evacuation Operations
  • Maritime Security (MARSEC)
  • North American Electric Reliability Corporation – Critical Infrastructure Protection(NERC – CIP)
  • Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) and Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS)
  • MTSA Facility Security Officer Training (Managers)

Why Choose Assertive Security for Your Chemical and Petrochemical Site?

  • Critical Infrastructure Certification Programs and Security Officer Training
  • Industry Bench marked Safety Record and Safety Programs
  • Credentialed and Cleared Personnel
  • Strategic Leadership Alliance (CPUSA) and Industry Association Involvement and Support
  • Depth of Regulatory Knowledge and Monitoring
  • Proven and Responsive Account Management Model
  • Contract Compliance and Performance Measurement and Reporting

Have a question or want to learn more about the services Assertive Security has to offer?