Shopping Centers

Maintain A Safe And Welcoming Shopping Experience For Your Customers

Malls and shopping centers have unique security challenges that must be addressed. Retail tenants,shoppers, and food court patrons all need to feel safe in your facility or they may not return.

This means that you need a partner with experience providing retail security solutions.

Security That’s Visible Yet Non-Intrusive

At Assertive Security,we have years of experience providing professional security officers to the  mall and shopping center industry. Our highly trained security professionals are prepared to handle any emergency and notify you of any issues as they arise. Our experienced officers can:

  • Work crowd control for events
  • Direct groups of juveniles
  • Respond quickly to active criminal incidents
  • Deter theft
  • Assist in medical emergencies
  • Patrol parking areas
  • Help find lost children

Let us handle your security needs, so you don’t have to!

Have a question or want to learn more about the services Assertive Security has to offer?